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(indication précise du moment

  • 1 heure

    1. (espace de temps) час ◄pl. -ы► (dim. ча́сик et часо́к);

    [une journée de] vingt-quatre heures — два́дцать четы́ре часа́, су́тки pl. seult., день и ночь;

    une demi-heure — полчаса́; un quart d'heure — че́тверть часа́; une heure et demie — полтора́ часа́; une heure ou deux — час-друго́й; une heure d'horloge — це́лый (↑би́тый) час; trois heures d'horloge — це́лых три часа́; une bonne heure — до́брый <би́тый> час; бо́льше часа́; trois bons quarts d'heure — до́брых три че́тверти часа́; nous t'attendons depuis une bonne demi-heure — мы ждём тебя́ уже́ до́брые полчаса́; une petite heure — како́й-нибу́дь час, ↑ часо́к, ме́ньше часа́; au bout d'une petite demi-heure — че́рез каки́е-нибу́дь полчаса́; il y a deux heures qu'il est parti — уже́ два часа́, как он уе́хал; en prenant cette route on gagne une heure — е́сли идти́ по э́той доро́ге, выи́грываешь <сэконо́мишь> час; combien le train met-il d'heures pour aller à Kiev? — ско́лько часо́в <вре́мени> по́езд идёт до Ки́ева?; la fuite des heures — бег вре́мени; les 24 heures du Mans — однодне́вные автого́нки в го́роде Ле-Мане ║ les heures de classe (de cours) — часы́ заня́тий, уче́бные часы́, уче́бное вре́мя, уро́ки; pendant les heures de classe — во вре́мя заня́тии <уро́ков>, в уче́бное вре́мя; en dehors des heures de cours — во внеуро́чное вре́мя; nous commençons par l'heure de mathématiques -— мы начина́ем с уро́ка матема́тики; un cours d'une heure (d'une heure et demie, de deux heures) — часово́е (полуторачасово́е, двухчасово́е) заня́тие ║ la journée de huit heures — восьмичасово́й рабо́чий день; la semaine de quarante heures — сорокачасова́я рабо́чая неде́ля; il est paye à l'heure — он получа́ет почасову́ю опла́ту; faire des heures supplémentaires — рабо́тать ipf. сверхуро́чно; les heures de présence (de bureau) — рабо́чие <служе́бные> часы́; рабо́чее <служе́бное> вре́мя; les heures de repos — вре́мя о́тдыха <досу́га>; les heures de réception — приёмные часы́; avoir une heure de libre — име́ть час свобо́дного вре́мени; je n'ai pas une heure à moi — у меня́ нет ни часа́ вре́мени для себя́; j'ai un trou d'une heure — у меня́ часо́вое окно́ ║ louer une voiture à l'heure — взять pf. маши́ну на час напрока́т; j'habite à une heure de la gare (à deux heures de Paris) — я живу́ в ча́се ходьбы́ (езды́) от вокза́ла (в двух часа́х езды́ от Пари́жа); il fait du 100 à l'heure avec sa voiture — на свое́й маши́не он е́здит со ско́ростью сто киломе́тров в час; il est arrivé avec une heure de retard — он прие́хал на час по́зже, он опозда́л на час; durant une heure — в тече́ние часа́, час; en une heure (quelques heures) — за час (за неско́лько часо́в); en moins d'une heure — ме́нее, чем за час; revenez dans une heure — приходи́те <возвраща́йтесь> че́рез час; avancer son départ d'une heure — ускоря́ть/уско́рить отъе́зд на час; il m'a laissé un délai de 48 heures — он мне дал два дня [сро́ка]; deux heures avant le lever du soleil — за два часа́ до восхо́да со́лнца; trois heures après l'arrivée du train — че́рез три часа́ по́сле прихо́да по́езда; deux heures plus tôt (plus tard) — двумя́ часа́ми <на два часа́> ра́ньше (по́зже); des heures entières — це́лыми часа́ми; trois heures par jour (par semaine) — три часа́ в день (в неде́лю); prendre un comprimé toutes les heures (les deux heures) — принима́ть ipf. по табле́тке ка́ждый час (че́рез ка́ждые два часа́); d'heure en heure — час от часу́, с ка́ждым ча́сом, что ни час, по часа́м (régulièrement); la situation s'aggrave d'heure en heure — положе́ние с ка́ждым ча́сом ухудша́ется; d'une heure à l'autre — с часу́ на час; ● le quart d'heure de Rabelais — час <моме́нт> распла́ты; passer un mauvais quart d'heure — пережива́ть/ пережи́ть неприя́тные мину́ты; on s'embête à cent sous de l'heure — от ску́ки му́хи до́хнут

    est-ce que vous avez l'heure? — у вас есть часы́?;

    puis-je vous demander l'heure? — скажи́те, пожа́луйста, ∫ кото́рый час <ско́лько вре́мени (plus fam.)); regarde l'heure, s'il te plaît — посмотри́, пожа́луйста, ∫ ско́лько вре́мени <кото́рый час>; il ne sait pas lire l'heure — он не уме́ет определя́ть вре́мя по часа́м; je mets ma montre à l'heure — я ста́влю [свои́] часы́ на то́чное вре́мя; ma montre est à l'heure — мой часы́ пока́зывают то́чное вре́мя; à ma montre il est deux heures — на мои́х часа́х два; trois heures ont sonné ∑ — проби́ло три [часа́]; il est deux heures juste (sonnant) — ро́вно <то́чно> два часа́; il est deux heures passées — уже́ тре́тий час; il est arrivé à deux heures passées — он при́был <появи́лся> ∫ по́сле двух <в тре́тьем часу́, в нача́ле тре́тьего>; le train de huit heures — восьмичасово́й по́езд; le train de 8 heures 47 (de 0 heure

    35) по́езд, кото́рый отправля́ется в во́семь часо́в со́рок семь мину́т (в ноль часо́в три́дцать пять мину́т);

    venez vers une (deux) heure(s) — приходи́те о́коло часа́ <к часу́> (о́коло двух часо́в <часа́ в два>);

    je serai prêt pour deux heures — я бу́ду гото́в к двум часа́м; de quelle heure à quelle heure? — с како́го часа́ до како́го <по како́й>?; la bibliothèque est ouverte de 9 heures du matin à 10 heures du soir — библиоте́ка откры́та с девяти́ [часо́в] утра́ до десяти́ [часо́в] ве́чера; je serai chez moi entre 2 heures et 3 heures — я бу́ду до́ма от двух до трёх [часо́в]; l'heure d'été — ле́тнее вре́мя; à huit heures heure de Moscou (locale, de Greenwich) — в во́семь часо́в по моско́вскому (по ме́стному) вре́мени (по Гри́нвичу); cette horloge sonne les heures et les demies — э́ти часы́ бьют ка́ждые полчаса́; l'aiguille des heures — часова́я стре́лка; qu'est-ce que tu as eu pour ton quatre heures? ∑ — что тебе́ да́ли на по́лдник?; ● chercher midi à quatorze heures — по́пусту лома́ть ipf. себе́ го́лову, иска́ть ipf. вчера́шний день; l'ouvrier de la onzième heure — тот, кто прихо́дит на гото́венькое (, когда́ всё уже́ сде́лано); livre d'heures — часосло́в

    l'heure des repas — вре́мя еды́;

    aux heures d'affluence — в часы́ пик; l'heure de départ (d'arrivée) — час <вре́мя> отъе́зда (прибы́тия); l'heure d'ouverture (de fermeture) — час <вре́мя> откры́тия (закры́тия); а l'heure du laitier — ра́но у́тром; l'heure de vérité — моме́нт и́стины; l'heure du berger — час свида́ний; à l'heure du danger — в час опа́сности; j'ai laissé passer l'heure du train — я пропусти́л по́езд; les heures creuses — часы́ наиме́ньшей нагру́зки; l'heure est grave — моме́нт серьёзный; les problèmes de l'heure — злободне́вные <актуа́льные> пробле́мы, пробле́мы дня; à la première heure — ра́но у́тром, чуть свет; de la première heure [— са́мый] пе́рвый; un résistant de la première heure — уча́стник движе́ния Сопротивле́ния, примкну́вший к движе́нию одни́м из пе́рвых; les nouvelles de dernière heure — после́дние но́вости; de bonne heure — ра́но; se lever de bonne heure — встава́ть/встать ра́но; à une heure indue — в неуро́чное вре́мя; à point d'heure fam. — бог зна́ет когда́; jusqu'à une heure avancée de la nuit — до по́здней но́чи,; à l'heure indi quée — в ука́занное <в назна́ченное> вре́мя; à l'heure actuelle (qu'il est) — в настоя́щее вре́мя; il est arrivé avant (bien après) l'heure — он прие́хал до (значи́тельно по́зже) назна́ченного ча́са́; on sert des repas à toute heure — еда́ подаётся в любо́е вре́мя; à n'importe quelle heure du jour et de la nuit — в любо́е вре́мя су́ток <дня и но́чи>; il est toujours à l'heure — он всегда́ пунктуа́лен <то́чен>; le train est parti à l'heure — по́езд ушёл по гра́фику <по расписа́нию, во́время>; il est arrivé à l'heure pile — он пришёл в са́мое вре́мя <тю́телька в тю́тельку fam.>; il est en avance sur l'heure — он пришёл ра́ньше вре́мени; c'est l'heure du dîner ∑ — пора́ у́жинать; il est l'heure d'aller se coucher — пора́ спать; c'est la bonne heure pour aller à la pêche — сейча́с са́мое вре́мя идти́ на рыба́лку; c'est la meilleure heure pour travailler — это лу́чшее вре́мя для рабо́ты; à la bonne heure! — отли́чно!, сла́ва бо́гу!; il a eu son heure de gloire — в своё вре́мя он был знамени́т; traverser des heures critiques — пережива́ть/ пережи́ть ∫ крити́ческие моме́нты <тру́дное вре́мя>; jusqu'à l'heure de sa mort — до са́мой сме́рти; son heure est venue — его́ час наста́л <про́би́л>; il attend son heure — он ожида́ет своего́ часа́; он ожида́ет, когда́ придёт его́ вре́мя; il est poète à ses heures — на досу́ге он пи́шет стихи́; j'ai cru ma dernière heure arrivée — я реши́л, что наста́л мой после́дний час; notre heure viendra — бу́дет и на на́шей у́лице пра́здник prou;

    sur l'heure:

    allez-y sur l'heure! — иди́те туда́ неме́дленно!;

    tout à l'heure ско́ро, сейча́с (pour le futur); то́лько что (pour le passé);

    il reviendra tout à l'heure — он сейча́с <ско́ро> вернётся;

    je le lui ai dit tout à l'heure — я ему только что э́то сказа́л

    Dictionnaire français-russe de type actif > heure

  • 2 claro

    1 obvious, apparent, clear, crisp.
    2 clear, bright, clear-cut, articulate.
    3 definite, distinct.
    sure, sure enough, of course.
    1 clearing, glade, clear space, clear.
    2 gap.
    3 Claro.
    * * *
    1 (gen) clear
    2 (iluminado) bright, well-lit
    3 (color) light
    4 (salsa etc) thin; (café, chocolate, etc) weak
    5 (evidente) clear
    1 clearly
    1 (gen) gap, space; (de bosque) clearing
    2 (en el pelo) bald patch
    interjección ¡claro!
    1 of course!
    ¡claro que no puedes! of course you can't!
    a las claras openly
    dejar algo claro to make something clear
    estar claro to be clear
    ¡lo llevas claro! / ¡lo tienes claro! familiar you've got it coming to you!
    más claro,-a que el agua familiar as clear as daylight
    poner en claro to make plain, clear up
    sacar en claro to get out
    claro de luna moonlight
    mente clara figurado clear mind
    1 (gen) gap, space; (de bosque) clearing
    2 (en el pelo) bald patch
    * * *
    1. (f. - clara)
    4) fair, light
    5) weak, thin
    2. adv.
    2) sure
    3. noun m.
    * * *
    1. ADJ
    1) (=no oscuro) [piel] fair; [color] light, pale

    un vestido verde claroa light o pale green dress

    2) (=evidente)
    a) [con sustantivos] [ejemplo, prueba, ventaja] clear; [inconveniente] obvious; [desastre] total, absolute

    España ganó por un claro 15-6 — Spain won a decisive 15-6 victory, Spain were clear winners by 15-6

    ... aseguró, en clara referencia a sus superiores —... he asserted, clearly referring o in an obvious reference to his superiors

    b) [con verbos]

    dejar algo claro — to make sth clear

    dejar las cosas claras o en claro — to get things clear, get things straight *

    estar claro — to be clear

    ¿está claro? — is that clear?

    estar claro que — to be clear that, be obvious that

    está claro que así no vamos a ninguna parteit's clear o obvious that we'll get nowhere like this

    quedar claro — to be clear

    si te lees la bibliografía, te quedará todo más claro — if you read the books on the reading list, it'll all be clearer to you o you'll have a better idea of things

    tener algo claro — to be sure of sth, be clear about sth

    ni siquiera tengo claro lo que me espera mañanaI'm not even sure o clear what's in store for me tomorrow

    no lo tengo nada claro — I'm not at all sure, I don't really know


    a las claras —

    las cuentas claras —

    llevarlo Esp o tenerlo claro iró

    sacar algo en claro (de algo) —

    solo hemos sacado en claro que no pretende dimitirall that we can safely o definitely say is that he has no intention of resigning

    lo único que la policía consiguió sacar en claro durante el interrogatorio — the only definite thing the police got from the interview

    ver algo claro —

    3) (=poco espeso) [té, café] weak; [caldo] thin
    4) (=luminoso) [día, mañana] bright; [habitación, casa] light, bright
    5) (=transparente) [agua] clear; [tejido] transparent
    6) (=nítido) [sonido, voz] clear; [imagen] sharp, clear
    7) (=escaso) [pelo] thin; [bosque] light, sparse
    8) (=preciso) [idea] clear

    una mente clara — (lit) a clear mind; (fig) a clear thinker

    9) (=sincero) frank
    2. ADV
    1) (=con precisión) [oír, ver, hablar] clearly
    2) (=sinceramente) frankly

    hablar claro — to speak frankly, be frank

    3) [tras invitaciones, peticiones] sure

    -¿puedo usar tu coche mañana? -¡claro! — "can I use your car tomorrow?" - "sure!"

    -¿queréis venir a cenar? -¡claro! — "would you like to come to dinner?" - "sure!"

    4) [uso enfático]

    ¡claro! por eso estaba ayer tan rara — of course! that's why she was acting so funny yesterday

    a menos que, claro está, él también la conozca — unless of course he knows her too

    -¿por qué no te disfrazas tú? -¡claro, para que os riáis de mí todos! — "why don't you dress up?" - "oh sure, so you can all laugh at me!"

    claro que, claro que nadie se imaginaba lo que vendría después — of course nobody could imagine what would happen afterwards

    ¡claro que no! — of course not!

    ¡claro que sí! — yes, of course!

    3. SM
    1) (Meteo) bright spell, sunny interval
    2) [de tiempo] lull
    3) (=espacio despejado) [entre personas] space; [entre árboles] clearing; [de pelo] bald patch
    4) [en un texto] gap, space; [en discurso] pause
    5) (Arquit) (=claraboya) skylight; (=abertura) window (opening)
    6) Caribe (Culin) guava jelly
    7) Caribe (=bebida) sugar-cane brandy
    * * *
    - ra adjetivo
    1) ( luminoso) <cielo/habitación> bright
    2) ( pálido) <color/verde/azul> light, pale; < piel> fair

    tiene los ojos claros — she has blue/green/gray eyes

    3) <salsa/sopa> thin
    4) <agua/sonido> clear; <ideas/explicación/instrucciones> clear; <situación/postura> clear

    que quede bien claro que... — I want it to be quite clear that...

    ¿está claro? — is that clear?

    quiero dejar (en) claro que... — I want to make it very o quite clear that...

    a las claras: díselo a las claras tell her straight; llevarlo claro (Esp fam) to be in for a shock; sacar algo en claro de algo — to make sense of something

    5) ( evidente) clear, obvious

    está claro que... — it is clear o obvious that...

    a no ser, claro está, que esté mintiendo — unless, of course, he's lying

    1) < ver> clearly

    voy a hablarte claroI'm not going to beat around o about the bush

    me lo dijo muy clarohe made it very o quite clear (to me)

    claro que no! — no, of course not!

    claro que sí! — of course, absolutely!

    b) ( como enlace) mind you

    nadie le creyó, claro no es de extrañar — nobody believed him. Mind you, it's not surprising

    claro, así cualquiera puede — well, of course anyone can do it like that

    díselo - claro, para que me regañe ¿no? — (iró) tell him - oh sure, and have him tell me off, right? (iro)

    1) ( en bosque) clearing; (en el pelo, la barba) bald patch
    2) (Meteo) sunny spell o period o interval
    * * *
    = apparent, clear [clearer -comp., clearest -sup.], clear-cut, crisp [crisper -comp., crispest -sup.], definite, distinct, light, neat [neater -comp., neatest -sup.], plain [plainer -comp., plainest -sup.], straightforward, tidy, distinctive, designated, uncloudy, unclouded, unclouded, cloudless, forthright, uncompromising, unqualified, cut and dried [cut and dry], patent.
    Ex. Menu-based information retrieval system have found favour because of their apparent simplicity.
    Ex. In practice the distinction between one term and the next is not very clear.
    Ex. The hierarchical relationship is relatively clear-cut, and rather precise guideliness can be formulated to ensure that the BT/NT relationship is consistently applied.
    Ex. A crisp, even impression became the norm, along with the use of respectable paper and ink.
    Ex. I don't see that we are going to stand a chance unless there is something very definite coming out of this conference and similar conferences where these ideas are advanced.
    Ex. Against this proliferation of hosts there is a distinct awareness amongst users of the need for the rationalisation.
    Ex. To match the small amount of existing furniture which was reused, internal joinery and furniture is in a light coloured timber.
    Ex. What is possibly less easy is to making sure that the guiding stays clean, neat and accurate.
    Ex. To reiterate, there are two main categories of relationship: the syntactic relationships referred to in the last paragraph and plain, for example, in a topic such as 'sugar and health'.
    Ex. Even in this apparently straightforward situation, complications can arise.
    Ex. This was all very tidy, but who was to judge significance?.
    Ex. A patron may submit a beautifully legible request for a book with a distinctive author and title, accompanied by a reference to the journal article from which the citation was gleaned.
    Ex. It is tremendously valuable to library staff (particularly in libraries with a designated departmental structure) to maintain close professional ties with local academic departments.
    Ex. In that case, the peak of solar energy could be at an uncloudy moment in the morning or afternoon, even though the sun wasn't highest in the sky at that moment.
    Ex. As they grow up in those heady post-war years, in the blue unclouded weather of the late 1940s, these are the sisters you'll never forget.
    Ex. As they grow up in those heady post-war years, in the blue unclouded weather of the late 1940s, these are the sisters you'll never forget.
    Ex. This is the first cloudless image of the Earth from space.
    Ex. We have been told once, in clear and forthright terms, what it is that we need.
    Ex. What precipitated that furor was that Panizzi's volume represented a uncompromising rejection of the comfortable ideology of the finding catalog.
    Ex. Wing has not had the almost unqualified praise from the reviewers that Pollard and Redgrave received.
    Ex. One of them snipped Ben Kline's life short, and Marla's determined to get to the root of a case that's anything but cut and dried.
    Ex. It was patent that they could not compete on equal terms with the economic and social forces of a complex civilization.
    * cantarlas claras = call + a spade a spade.
    * con una meta clara = focused [focussed].
    * con un objetivo claro = focused [focussed].
    * cuestiones poco claras = grey area [gray area].
    * de forma clara = clearly.
    * dejar bien claro = make + it + crystal clear, make + Reflexivo + crystal clear.
    * dejar claro = make + it + clear, send + a clear signal that.
    * de manera clara = distinctly, clearly.
    * de modo claro = transparently.
    * en + Lengua + claro = in plain + Lengua.
    * en términos claros = in simple terms.
    * estar claro = be plain, be out in the open.
    * hablar claro = lay + Posesivo + cards on the table, put + Posesivo + cards on the table.
    * las cosas + estar + claras = the (hand)writing + be + on the wall, see it + coming.
    * más claro el agua = as clear as a bell.
    * más claro que el agua = as clear as a bell.
    * nada claro = unclear, uncleared.
    * no dar una impresión clara = send + mixed signals.
    * no está claro todavía = the jury is still out (on).
    * para que quede más claro = for main effects.
    * pasta de clara de huevo = glair.
    * poco claro = fuzzy [fuzzier - comp., fuzziest -sup.], indistinct, obscure, unclear, untidy, hazy, inconclusive, slurred, clouded, undistinguished, uncleared, indistinctive.
    * poner en claro = clear up.
    * ser algo muy claro = be a dead giveaway.
    * sin una meta clara = unfocused [unfocussed].
    * sin un objetivo claro = non-purposive, unfocused [unfocussed].
    * tan claro como el agua = as clear as a bell.
    * tener Algo claro = clarify + Posesivo + mind.
    * tener claro = be clear in your mind.
    * violeta claro = periwinkle.
    * * *
    - ra adjetivo
    1) ( luminoso) <cielo/habitación> bright
    2) ( pálido) <color/verde/azul> light, pale; < piel> fair

    tiene los ojos claros — she has blue/green/gray eyes

    3) <salsa/sopa> thin
    4) <agua/sonido> clear; <ideas/explicación/instrucciones> clear; <situación/postura> clear

    que quede bien claro que... — I want it to be quite clear that...

    ¿está claro? — is that clear?

    quiero dejar (en) claro que... — I want to make it very o quite clear that...

    a las claras: díselo a las claras tell her straight; llevarlo claro (Esp fam) to be in for a shock; sacar algo en claro de algo — to make sense of something

    5) ( evidente) clear, obvious

    está claro que... — it is clear o obvious that...

    a no ser, claro está, que esté mintiendo — unless, of course, he's lying

    1) < ver> clearly

    voy a hablarte claroI'm not going to beat around o about the bush

    me lo dijo muy clarohe made it very o quite clear (to me)

    claro que no! — no, of course not!

    claro que sí! — of course, absolutely!

    b) ( como enlace) mind you

    nadie le creyó, claro no es de extrañar — nobody believed him. Mind you, it's not surprising

    claro, así cualquiera puede — well, of course anyone can do it like that

    díselo - claro, para que me regañe ¿no? — (iró) tell him - oh sure, and have him tell me off, right? (iro)

    1) ( en bosque) clearing; (en el pelo, la barba) bald patch
    2) (Meteo) sunny spell o period o interval
    * * *
    = apparent, clear [clearer -comp., clearest -sup.], clear-cut, crisp [crisper -comp., crispest -sup.], definite, distinct, light, neat [neater -comp., neatest -sup.], plain [plainer -comp., plainest -sup.], straightforward, tidy, distinctive, designated, uncloudy, unclouded, unclouded, cloudless, forthright, uncompromising, unqualified, cut and dried [cut and dry], patent.

    Ex: Menu-based information retrieval system have found favour because of their apparent simplicity.

    Ex: In practice the distinction between one term and the next is not very clear.
    Ex: The hierarchical relationship is relatively clear-cut, and rather precise guideliness can be formulated to ensure that the BT/NT relationship is consistently applied.
    Ex: A crisp, even impression became the norm, along with the use of respectable paper and ink.
    Ex: I don't see that we are going to stand a chance unless there is something very definite coming out of this conference and similar conferences where these ideas are advanced.
    Ex: Against this proliferation of hosts there is a distinct awareness amongst users of the need for the rationalisation.
    Ex: To match the small amount of existing furniture which was reused, internal joinery and furniture is in a light coloured timber.
    Ex: What is possibly less easy is to making sure that the guiding stays clean, neat and accurate.
    Ex: To reiterate, there are two main categories of relationship: the syntactic relationships referred to in the last paragraph and plain, for example, in a topic such as 'sugar and health'.
    Ex: Even in this apparently straightforward situation, complications can arise.
    Ex: This was all very tidy, but who was to judge significance?.
    Ex: A patron may submit a beautifully legible request for a book with a distinctive author and title, accompanied by a reference to the journal article from which the citation was gleaned.
    Ex: It is tremendously valuable to library staff (particularly in libraries with a designated departmental structure) to maintain close professional ties with local academic departments.
    Ex: In that case, the peak of solar energy could be at an uncloudy moment in the morning or afternoon, even though the sun wasn't highest in the sky at that moment.
    Ex: As they grow up in those heady post-war years, in the blue unclouded weather of the late 1940s, these are the sisters you'll never forget.
    Ex: As they grow up in those heady post-war years, in the blue unclouded weather of the late 1940s, these are the sisters you'll never forget.
    Ex: This is the first cloudless image of the Earth from space.
    Ex: We have been told once, in clear and forthright terms, what it is that we need.
    Ex: What precipitated that furor was that Panizzi's volume represented a uncompromising rejection of the comfortable ideology of the finding catalog.
    Ex: Wing has not had the almost unqualified praise from the reviewers that Pollard and Redgrave received.
    Ex: One of them snipped Ben Kline's life short, and Marla's determined to get to the root of a case that's anything but cut and dried.
    Ex: It was patent that they could not compete on equal terms with the economic and social forces of a complex civilization.
    * cantarlas claras = call + a spade a spade.
    * con una meta clara = focused [focussed].
    * con un objetivo claro = focused [focussed].
    * cuestiones poco claras = grey area [gray area].
    * de forma clara = clearly.
    * dejar bien claro = make + it + crystal clear, make + Reflexivo + crystal clear.
    * dejar claro = make + it + clear, send + a clear signal that.
    * de manera clara = distinctly, clearly.
    * de modo claro = transparently.
    * en + Lengua + claro = in plain + Lengua.
    * en términos claros = in simple terms.
    * estar claro = be plain, be out in the open.
    * hablar claro = lay + Posesivo + cards on the table, put + Posesivo + cards on the table.
    * las cosas + estar + claras = the (hand)writing + be + on the wall, see it + coming.
    * más claro el agua = as clear as a bell.
    * más claro que el agua = as clear as a bell.
    * nada claro = unclear, uncleared.
    * no dar una impresión clara = send + mixed signals.
    * no está claro todavía = the jury is still out (on).
    * para que quede más claro = for main effects.
    * pasta de clara de huevo = glair.
    * poco claro = fuzzy [fuzzier - comp., fuzziest -sup.], indistinct, obscure, unclear, untidy, hazy, inconclusive, slurred, clouded, undistinguished, uncleared, indistinctive.
    * poner en claro = clear up.
    * ser algo muy claro = be a dead giveaway.
    * sin una meta clara = unfocused [unfocussed].
    * sin un objetivo claro = non-purposive, unfocused [unfocussed].
    * tan claro como el agua = as clear as a bell.
    * tener Algo claro = clarify + Posesivo + mind.
    * tener claro = be clear in your mind.
    * violeta claro = periwinkle.

    * * *
    claro1 -ra
    A (luminoso) ‹cielo› bright; ‹habitación› bright, light
    el día amaneció claro the day dawned bright and clear
    B (pálido) ‹color/verde/azul› light, pale; ‹piel› fair, white
    tiene los ojos claros she has blue/green/gray eyes
    el típico sueco rubio y de ojos claros the typical blue-eyed, blond Swede
    C ‹salsa/sopa› thin; ‹café/té› weak
    D ‹agua/sonido› clear
    habló con voz clara she spoke in a clear voice
    E ‹ideas/explicación/instrucciones› clear; ‹situación/postura› clear
    consiguieron una clara ventaja they gained a clear advantage
    tiene muy claro lo que quiere en la vida she is very clear o sure about what she wants out of life, she knows exactly what she wants out of life
    que quede bien claro que … I want it to be quite clear that …
    lo harás como yo te diga, ¿está claro? you'll do it the way I say, is that clear o do I make myself clear?
    quiero dejar (en) claro que … or que quede bien (en) claro que … I want to make it very o quite clear that …, let it be very o quite clear that …
    a las claras: no me lo dijo a las claras she didn't tell me in so many words o straight out o ( AmE) right off
    no seas cobarde y díselo a las claras don't be a coward, tell her straight
    llevarlo claro ( Esp fam) (estar equivocado) to be in for a shock o a disappointment; (enfrentarse a algo difícil) to have one's work cut out ( colloq)
    pasar la noche en claro to lie o be awake all night
    sacar algo en claro de algo to make sense of sth
    ¿tú sacaste algo en claro de lo que dijo? did you manage to make any sense of what he said?
    F (evidente) clear, obvious
    hay pruebas claras de que miente there is clear evidence that he is lying
    está claro que ella es la culpable it is clear o obvious that she is the culprit, she is clearly o obviously the culprit
    … a no ser, claro está, que esté mintiendo … unless, of course, he's lying
    A ‹hablar/ver›
    voy a hablarte claro I'm not going to beat around o about the bush, I'm going to give it to you straight ( colloq)
    ahora lo veo claro I see it all clearly now, now I get it! ( colloq)
    me lo dijo muy claro he made it very o quite clear (to me)
    claro y raspado ( Ven fam); straight
    me lo dijo todo claro y raspado he told me straight, he didn't beat around o about the bush
    B ( indep)
    ¡claro que lo sabe! of course she knows!
    ¿te gustaría verlo? — ¡claro! would you like to see it? — yes, I'd love to o ( colloq) sure!
    ¿lo hizo? — ¡claro que no! did he do it? — no, of course not! o no, of course he didn't!
    2 (como enlace) mind you
    nadie le creyó, claro que conociéndolo no es de extrañar nobody believed him. Mind you, knowing him it's not surprising
    lo ayudó la madre — claro, así cualquiera his mother helped him — well, of course anyone can do it like that
    anda, díselo tú — claro, para que me eche a mí la bronca ¿no? ( iró); go on, you tell him — oh sure o oh fine o I see, so that way it's me he gets mad at, right? ( iro)
    A (en un bosque) clearing; (en el pelo, la barba) bald patch
    había algunos claros en las gradas there were a few empty spaces in the stand
    B ( Meteo) sunny spell o period o interval
    * * *


    claro 1
    ◊ -ra adjetivo

    a) ( luminoso) ‹cielo/habitación bright

    b) ( pálido) ‹color/verde/azul light, pale;

    piel fair;
    tiene los ojos claros she has blue/green/gray eyes

    c)salsa/sopa thin

    d)agua/sonido clear;

    ideas/explicación/instrucciones clear;
    situación/postura clear;

    ¿está claro? is that clear?;
    quiero dejar (en) claro que … I want to make it clear that …;
    sacar algo en claro de algo to make sense of sth

    está claro que … it is clear o obvious that …;

    a no ser, claro está, que esté mintiendo unless, of course, he's lying
    claro 2 adverbio
    1 ver clearly;
    voy a hablarte claro I'm not going to beat around o about the bush;

    me lo dijo muy claro he made it very quite clear (to me)
    2 ( indep) ( en exclamaciones de asentimiento) of course
    ■ sustantivo masculino

    (en pelo, barba) bald patch
    b) (Meteo) sunny spell o period

    I adjetivo
    1 (despejado, evidente) clear: tengo muy claro que no va a volver, I'm quite sure she won't come back
    un asunto poco claro, a shady deal
    2 (poco espeso) thin
    3 (color) light
    II sustantivo masculino
    1 (de un bosque) clearing
    2 (entre las nubes) break in the clouds
    3 claro de luna, moonlight
    III adverbio clearly: deberías hablar claro, you must speak clearly
    IV exclamación of course!
    ¡claro que puedo!, of course I can!
    ♦ Locuciones: a las claras, clearly
    dejar algo claro, to make something clear
    lo lleva claro si piensa que voy a tolerarlo, she can be quite sure that i?m not going to put up with it
    sacar algo en claro, to draw a conclusion: después de tanta discusión, no sacamos nada en claro, we were back to square one after hours of discussion
    ' claro' also found in these entries:
    - escarceo
    - estar
    - hombre
    - nebulosa
    - nebuloso
    - nítida
    - nítido
    - notoria
    - notorio
    - patente
    - poca
    - poco
    - precisa
    - preciso
    - pues
    - rondar
    - sacar
    - salvaje
    - agua
    - celeste
    - color
    - constar
    - hablar
    - lavado
    - neto
    - oscuro
    - palpable
    - que
    - quedar
    - visto
    - apparent
    - articulate
    - break
    - broad
    - clean-cut
    - clear
    - clear-cut
    - clearing
    - confusing
    - crystal-clear
    - decided
    - distinct
    - enough
    - fuzzy
    - good
    - ice-blue
    - indistinct
    - let
    - light
    - lucid
    - mousy
    - mud
    - neat
    - obscure
    - outset
    - pale
    - plain
    - precise
    - sharp
    - speak out
    - spell out
    - straight
    - surely
    - tenuous
    - then
    - thin
    - transparently
    - unclear
    - unequivocal
    - why
    - blur
    - by
    - certainly
    - clearly
    - course
    - crystal
    - flash
    - increasingly
    - more
    * * *
    claro, -a
    1. [luminoso] bright;
    una habitación clara a bright o light room
    2. [color] light;
    verde claro light green
    3. [sonido] clear;
    hablaba con una voz clara she spoke in a clear voice
    4. [sin nubes] clear;
    un día/cielo claro a clear day/sky
    5. [diluido] [té, café] weak;
    [salsa, sopa] thin;
    no me gusta el chocolate claro I don't like my hot chocolate thin
    6. [poco tupido] thin, sparse
    7. [persona, explicación, ideas, libro] clear;
    hablaba con un lenguaje claro she spoke in clear terms;
    dejar algo claro to make sth clear;
    poner algo en claro to get sth clear, to clear sth up;
    que quede (bien) claro que no fue idea mía I want to make it (quite) clear that it wasn't my idea;
    sacar algo en claro (de) to make sth out (from);
    después de escuchar su explicación no saqué nada en claro after listening to her explanation, I was none the wiser;
    tengo claro que no puedo contar con él one thing I'm quite sure about is that I can't rely on him, one thing's for sure, I can't rely on him;
    verlo claro [estar seguro] to be sure;
    pasar una noche en claro to have a sleepless night;
    Esp Fam
    llevarlo o [m5]tenerlo claro: ¡lo lleva o [m5] tiene claro si piensa que le vamos a ayudar! if he thinks we're going to help him, he can think again!;
    si no vienen ellos, lo tenemos claro if they don't come, we've had it
    8. [obvio, evidente] clear;
    el resultado fue claro the result was clear;
    ¿está claro? is that clear?;
    está claro que van a ganar it's clear they're going to win;
    está claro que te quieren engañar it's obvious that they are trying to deceive you, they are obviously trying to deceive you;
    está claro o [m5]claro está que si no quieres, no estás obligado a participar of course o obviously, you're not obliged to participate if you don't want to;
    a no ser, claro, que tengas una idea mejor unless, of course, you have a better idea;
    está más claro que el agua it's perfectly o crystal clear;
    allí no vuelvo, eso está más claro que el agua I'm not going there again, that's for certain
    1. [en bosque] clearing;
    [en multitud] space, gap;
    vi un claro en la fila I saw a gap in the row
    2. [en cielo nublado] break in the clouds;
    se esperan nubes y claros it will be cloudy with some bright spells;
    en cuanto haya un claro salimos we'll go out as soon as it brightens up
    3. [calvicie, calva] bald patch
    4. [en pintura] highlight
    5. Arquit skylight
    6. claro de luna moonlight
    hablar claro to speak clearly;
    dilo claro, ¿te interesa o no? tell me straight, are you interested or not?;
    ¡claro! of course!;
    ¡claro que sí!, ¡pues claro! of course!;
    ¡claro que no! of course not!;
    ¡claro que me gusta! of course I like it!;
    ¿me ayudarás? – claro, no pensaba en otra cosa will you help me? – oh sure, I wouldn't dream of doing anything else;
    ve tú primero – claro, así si hay algún agujero me caigo yo you go first – oh great o thanks a lot, that way if there's a hole I'll be the one to fall into it;
    claro, con un jugador más ya se puede of course, with an extra player it's hardly surprising;
    la obra no tuvo éxito, claro que conociendo al director no me sorprende the play wasn't a success, but then again that's hardly surprising knowing the director
    a las claras loc adv
    * * *
    I adj
    poner en claro make clear;
    dejar claro make plain;
    quedar claro be clear;
    tener algo claro be sure o clear about sth;
    pasar la noche en claro lie awake all night, not sleep a wink;
    a las claras clearly
    2 color light
    3 ( luminoso) bright
    4 salsa thin
    II adv
    hablar claro speak plainly;
    ¡claro! of course!;
    claro está of course
    III m
    1 METEO clear spell
    2 en bosque clearing
    * * *
    claro adv
    1) : clearly
    habla más claro: speak more clearly
    2) : of course, surely
    ¡claro!, ¡claro que sí!: absolutely!, of course!
    claro que entendió: of course she understood
    claro, -ra adj
    1) : bright, clear
    2) : pale, fair, light
    3) : clear, evident
    claro nm
    1) : clearing
    claro de luna : moonlight
    * * *
    claro1 adj
    1. (en general) clear
    2. (luminoso) bright
    3. (color) light
    claro2 adv clearly
    claro3 interj of course
    claro4 n (en meteorología) sunny interval

    Spanish-English dictionary > claro

См. также в других словарях:

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